

– Goal Design – Project Management – Witchcraft –

Welcome to my site! My name is Tara and yes, I’m a witch. I’m also an experienced project manager and passionate goal designer. While these things may seem very different, I’ve had great personal success combining tools from all aspects of my life to boost my success. I’d love to help you do the same!

I currently work as a project manager and data architect for a major health care system corporate supply chain. I have two creative, sweet daughters, ages two and four. I have a supportive muggle husband. I am also an eclectic solitary witch.

What do I mean when I say “witchcraft”?

Personally, my practice is very nature and ritual based. I love using the lunar cycle to help pace my projects. I put intention into my goals with rituals that range from meditation to candle magick to tarot readings to celebrating the seasons.

I am excited to map paths that range from the more conventional to the more magical and everywhere in between!